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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Beauty Recipes from Orange Peel

1 .Are you've got disease of the skin or hickey problem? If you've got, take skin and grind it swing bit water, build a fine paste. Then apply it over your face, leave it for twenty minutes, wash up it.Do it regular basis. This mask take away your disease of the skin once few weeks. 2 .Take 2 tsp of yoghourt combine with one tsp of skin powder, combine it well. Apply on the mar space and massage in circular motion. Wash of it once quarter-hour with lukewarm water. it'll cure blackheads.
3 .Take One tsp of yoghourt, ½ tsp honey and one tsp of skin powder.Make a paste. Apply over your face. Let or not it's for quarter-hour. Then wash out in traditional water. At dry with a clean towel. Removing dark spot on your face by victimisation this pack. If you've got dry skin, you'll add three drops olive or vegetable oil.

4. build mask of 1 tablespoon of honey, 0.5 tsp of skin powder, ½ tsp of juice .Apply over you face and leave it for quarter-hour, wash out with lukewarm water. This pack can provide you with shine and glowing face. 5. build a fine paste of raw skin, add ½ tsp of turmeric powder and ½ tsp of honey. Apply on your face, leave it for twenty minutes. wash with lukewarm water. it'll provide you with stress free face.

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